apetest.plugin.checkhtml module

Plugin that checks HTML and optionally CSS.

The actual checking is done by the Nu Html Checker (v.Nu). Download the checker from https://validator.github.io/ or install the html5validator package with pip.

The checker is written in Java, so you must have a Java runtime (JRE) installed to run it.

Source code
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Plugin that checks HTML and optionally CSS.

The actual checking is done by the Nu Html Checker (v.Nu).
Download the checker from <https://validator.github.io/>
or install the `html5validator` package with `pip`.

The checker is written in Java, so you must have a Java runtime (JRE)
installed to run it.

from cgi import parse_header
from logging import ERROR, INFO, WARNING
from pathlib import Path
from socket import AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, socket # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from subprocess import DEVNULL, Popen

from apetest.plugin import Plugin, PluginError
from apetest.vnuclient import VNUClient
from apetest.xmlgen import concat, xml

def plugin_arguments(parser):
        '--check', metavar='PORT|URL|launch',
        help='check HTML using v.Nu web service at PORT (localhost) or '
             'URL (remote), or launch a new instance'
        '--css', action='store_true',
        help='check CSS using v.Nu web service as well'

def _pick_port():
    """Returns an unused TCP port.
    While we can not guarantee it will stay unused, it is very unlikely
    that it will become used within a few seconds.
    with socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
        sock.bind(('', 0))
        return sock.getsockname()[1]

def _find_vnujar():
    """Returns the full path to "vnu.jar".
    Raises PluginError if "vnu.jar" cannot be found.
        import vnujar
    except ImportError:
        raise PluginError(
            'Please install the "vnujar" module, for example using '
            '"pip3 install html5validator"'
    jar_path = Path(vnujar.__file__).with_name('vnu.jar')
    if not jar_path.exists():
        raise PluginError(
            'The "vnujar" module exists, but does not contain "vnu.jar"'
    return jar_path

def _launch_service(jar_path):
    port = _pick_port()
    args = (
        'java', '-cp', str(jar_path), 'nu.validator.servlet.Main', str(port)
        proc = Popen(args, stdin=DEVNULL)
    except OSError as ex:
        raise PluginError('Failed to launch v.Nu checker servlet: %s' % ex)
    return proc, 'http://localhost:%d' % port

def plugin_create(args):
    content_types = {
    if args.css:

    url = args.check
    if url is not None:
        launch = False
        if url == 'launch':
            url = _find_vnujar()
            launch = True
        elif url.isdigit():
            url = 'http://localhost:' + url
        yield HTMLValidator(url, launch, content_types)

class HTMLValidator(Plugin):
    """Runs the Nu Html Checker on loaded documents."""

    def __init__(self, service_url, launch, content_types):
        """Initialize a validator using the given checker web service.


            URL for the checker web service.
            If `True`, the validator should be launched using
            the JAR file specified by `service_url`.
            If `False`, `service_url` is the URL of an externally
            started web service.
        content_types: str*
            Documents of these types will be checked,
            other documents will be ignored.
        self.content_types = content_types
        if launch:
            service, service_url = _launch_service(service_url)
            self.service = service
            self.service = None
        self.client = VNUClient(service_url)

    def close(self):
        if self.service is not None:

    def resource_loaded(self, data, content_type_header, report):
        content_type, args_ = parse_header(content_type_header)
        if content_type not in self.content_types:

        for message in self.client.request(data, content_type_header):
            msg_type = message.get('type')
            subtype = message.get('subtype')
            text = message.get('message', '(no message)')

            if msg_type == 'info':
                level = WARNING if subtype == 'warning' else INFO
            elif msg_type == 'error':
                level = ERROR
            elif msg_type == 'non-document-error':
                subtype = subtype or 'general'
                text = '%s error in checker: %s' % (subtype.capitalize(), text)
                level = ERROR
                text = 'Undocumented message type "%s": %s' % (msg_type, text)
                level = ERROR

            lines = '-'.join(
                for attr in ('firstLine', 'lastLine')
                if attr in message
            if lines:
                text = 'line %s: %s' % (lines, text)

            html = text

            if msg_type == 'error' and subtype == 'fatal':
                html = concat(
                    html, xml.br,
                    xml.b['Fatal:'], ' This error blocks further checking.'

            extract = message.get('extract')
            if extract:
                start = message.get('hiliteStart')
                length = message.get('hiliteLength')
                if isinstance(start, int) and isinstance(length, int):
                    end = start + length
                    if 0 <= start < end <= len(extract):
                        extract = (
                html = concat(html, xml.br, xml.code[extract])

            report.log(level, text, extra={'html': html})

        report.checked = True}


def plugin_arguments(parser)
Source code
def plugin_arguments(parser):
        '--check', metavar='PORT|URL|launch',
        help='check HTML using v.Nu web service at PORT (localhost) or '
             'URL (remote), or launch a new instance'
        '--css', action='store_true',
        help='check CSS using v.Nu web service as well'
def plugin_create(args)
Source code
def plugin_create(args):
    content_types = {
    if args.css:

    url = args.check
    if url is not None:
        launch = False
        if url == 'launch':
            url = _find_vnujar()
            launch = True
        elif url.isdigit():
            url = 'http://localhost:' + url
        yield HTMLValidator(url, launch, content_types)}


class HTMLValidator (ancestors: Plugin)

Runs the Nu Html Checker on loaded documents.

Source code
class HTMLValidator(Plugin):
    """Runs the Nu Html Checker on loaded documents."""

    def __init__(self, service_url, launch, content_types):
        """Initialize a validator using the given checker web service.


            URL for the checker web service.
            If `True`, the validator should be launched using
            the JAR file specified by `service_url`.
            If `False`, `service_url` is the URL of an externally
            started web service.
        content_types: str*
            Documents of these types will be checked,
            other documents will be ignored.
        self.content_types = content_types
        if launch:
            service, service_url = _launch_service(service_url)
            self.service = service
            self.service = None
        self.client = VNUClient(service_url)

    def close(self):
        if self.service is not None:

    def resource_loaded(self, data, content_type_header, report):
        content_type, args_ = parse_header(content_type_header)
        if content_type not in self.content_types:

        for message in self.client.request(data, content_type_header):
            msg_type = message.get('type')
            subtype = message.get('subtype')
            text = message.get('message', '(no message)')

            if msg_type == 'info':
                level = WARNING if subtype == 'warning' else INFO
            elif msg_type == 'error':
                level = ERROR
            elif msg_type == 'non-document-error':
                subtype = subtype or 'general'
                text = '%s error in checker: %s' % (subtype.capitalize(), text)
                level = ERROR
                text = 'Undocumented message type "%s": %s' % (msg_type, text)
                level = ERROR

            lines = '-'.join(
                for attr in ('firstLine', 'lastLine')
                if attr in message
            if lines:
                text = 'line %s: %s' % (lines, text)

            html = text

            if msg_type == 'error' and subtype == 'fatal':
                html = concat(
                    html, xml.br,
                    xml.b['Fatal:'], ' This error blocks further checking.'

            extract = message.get('extract')
            if extract:
                start = message.get('hiliteStart')
                length = message.get('hiliteLength')
                if isinstance(start, int) and isinstance(length, int):
                    end = start + length
                    if 0 <= start < end <= len(extract):
                        extract = (
                html = concat(html, xml.br, xml.code[extract])

            report.log(level, text, extra={'html': html})

        report.checked = True}


def __init__(self, service_url, launch, content_types)

Initialize a validator using the given checker web service.


URL for the checker web service.
If True, the validator should be launched using the JAR file specified by service_url. If False, service_url is the URL of an externally started web service.
content_types : str*
Documents of these types will be checked, other documents will be ignored.
Source code
def __init__(self, service_url, launch, content_types):
    """Initialize a validator using the given checker web service.


        URL for the checker web service.
        If `True`, the validator should be launched using
        the JAR file specified by `service_url`.
        If `False`, `service_url` is the URL of an externally
        started web service.
    content_types: str*
        Documents of these types will be checked,
        other documents will be ignored.
    self.content_types = content_types
    if launch:
        service, service_url = _launch_service(service_url)
        self.service = service
        self.service = None
    self.client = VNUClient(service_url)}

Inherited members